This is the body text of the theme.
This is the accent color of the theme.
Bāze | |
Priekšplāns | #262626 |
Fons | #FFFFFF |
Accent | currentColor |
Robeža | transparent |
Primārā poga | |
Priekšplāns | #FFFFFF |
Fons | #262626 |
Robeža | #262626 |
Primary button hover | |
Priekšplāns | #FFFFFF |
Fons | #545454 |
Robeža | #545454 |
Sekundārā poga | |
Priekšplāns | #1E1A33 |
Fons | #FFFFFF |
Robeža | #262626 |
Secondary button hover | |
Priekšplāns | #1E1A33 |
Fons | hsl(0, 0%, 85%) |
Robeža | #262626 |
Link button | |
Link color | currentColor |
Link button hover | |
Link hover color | currentColor |
Īstenošana |
<div class="theme light"></div>
This is the body text of the theme.
This is the accent color of the theme.
Bāze | |
Priekšplāns | #FFFFFF |
Fons | #343A40 |
Accent | currentColor |
Robeža | transparent |
Primārā poga | |
Priekšplāns | #343A40 |
Fons | #FFFFFF |
Robeža | #FFFFFF |
Primary button hover | |
Priekšplāns | #FFFFFF |
Fons | #262626 |
Robeža | #262626 |
Sekundārā poga | |
Priekšplāns | #FFFFFF |
Fons | #343A40 |
Robeža | #FFFFFF |
Secondary button hover | |
Priekšplāns | #262626 |
Fons | #FFFFFF |
Robeža | #FFFFFF |
Link button | |
Link color | currentColor |
Link button hover | |
Link hover color | currentColor |
Īstenošana |
<div class="theme dark"></div>
This is the body text of the theme.
This is the accent color of the theme.
Bāze | |
Priekšplāns | #FFFFFF |
Fons | #000000 |
Accent | #FCC61B |
Robeža | transparent |
Primārā poga | |
Priekšplāns | #0D0E10 |
Fons | #FFFFFF |
Robeža | #FFFFFF |
Primary button hover | |
Priekšplāns | #0D0E10 |
Fons | hsl(0, 0%, 85%) |
Robeža | #FFFFFF |
Sekundārā poga | |
Priekšplāns | #FFFFFF |
Fons | #0D0E10 |
Robeža | #FFFFFF |
Secondary button hover | |
Priekšplāns | #FFFFFF |
Fons | hsl(220, 10%, 40%) |
Robeža | #FFFFFF |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Link button | |
Link color | #333333 |
Link button hover | |
Link hover color | hsl(0, 0%, 40%) |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Īstenošana |
<div class="theme black"></div>
Light transparent
This is the body text of the theme.
This is the accent color of the theme.
Bāze | |
Priekšplāns | #262626 |
Fons | transparent |
Accent | currentColor |
Robeža | transparent |
Primārā poga | |
Priekšplāns | currentColor |
Fons | transparent |
Robeža | transparent |
Primary button hover | |
Priekšplāns | currentColor |
Fons | transparent |
Robeža | transparent |
Sekundārā poga | |
Priekšplāns | currentColor |
Fons | transparent |
Robeža | transparent |
Secondary button hover | |
Priekšplāns | currentColor |
Fons | transparent |
Robeža | transparent |
Link button | |
Link color | currentColor |
Link button hover | |
Link hover color | currentColor |
Īstenošana |
<div class="theme light-transparent"></div>
Dark transparent
This is the body text of the theme.
This is the accent color of the theme.
Bāze | |
Priekšplāns | #FFFFFF |
Fons | transparent |
Accent | currentColor |
Robeža | transparent |
Primārā poga | |
Priekšplāns | #FFFFFF |
Fons | transparent |
Robeža | transparent |
Primary button hover | |
Priekšplāns | #FFFFFF |
Fons | transparent |
Robeža | transparent |
Sekundārā poga | |
Priekšplāns | #FFFFFF |
Fons | transparent |
Robeža | transparent |
Secondary button hover | |
Priekšplāns | #FFFFFF |
Fons | transparent |
Robeža | transparent |
Link button | |
Link color | currentColor |
Link button hover | |
Link hover color | currentColor |
Īstenošana |
<div class="theme dark-transparent"></div>
Light gray
This is the body text of the theme.
This is the accent color of the theme.
Bāze | |
Priekšplāns | #333333 |
Fons | #F7F7F7 |
Accent | currentColor |
Robeža | transparent |
Primārā poga | |
Priekšplāns | #FFFFFF |
Fons | #333333 |
Robeža | transparent |
Primary button hover | |
Priekšplāns | #FFFFFF |
Fons | hsl(0, 0%, 40%) |
Robeža | transparent |
Sekundārā poga | |
Priekšplāns | #333333 |
Fons | #CCCCCC |
Robeža | transparent |
Secondary button hover | |
Priekšplāns | #333333 |
Fons | hsl(0, 0%, 85%) |
Robeža | transparent |
Link button | |
Link color | currentColor |
Link button hover | |
Link hover color | currentColor |
Īstenošana |
<div class="theme theme-gray"></div>
Gray border
This is the body text of the theme.
This is the accent color of the theme.
Bāze | |
Priekšplāns | #333333 |
Fons | #FFFFFF |
Accent | currentColor |
Robeža | #EBEBEB |
Primārā poga | |
Priekšplāns | #FFFFFF |
Fons | #333333 |
Robeža | transparent |
Primary button hover | |
Priekšplāns | #FFFFFF |
Fons | hsl(0, 0%, 40%) |
Robeža | transparent |
Sekundārā poga | |
Priekšplāns | #333333 |
Fons | #FFFFFF |
Robeža | transparent |
Secondary button hover | |
Priekšplāns | #333333 |
Fons | hsl(0, 0%, 85%) |
Robeža | transparent |
Link button | |
Link color | currentColor |
Link button hover | |
Link hover color | currentColor |
Īstenošana |
<div class="theme theme-gray-border"></div>
Duroc Petrolium
This is the body text of the theme.
This is the accent color of the theme.
Bāze | |
Priekšplāns | #FFFFFF |
Fons | #005961 |
Accent | #000000 |
Robeža | transparent |
Primārā poga | |
Priekšplāns | #FFFFFF |
Fons | #FCC61B |
Robeža | transparent |
Primary button hover | |
Priekšplāns | #FFFFFF |
Fons | #EBB303 |
Robeža | transparent |
Sekundārā poga | |
Priekšplāns | #FFFFFF |
Fons | #000000 |
Robeža | transparent |
Secondary button hover | |
Priekšplāns | #000000 |
Fons | #FFFFFF |
Robeža | #000000 |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Link button | |
Link color | #333333 |
Link button hover | |
Link hover color | hsl(0, 0%, 40%) |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Īstenošana |
<div class="theme dark-green"></div>
Duroc Light Gray
This is the body text of the theme.
This is the accent color of the theme.
Bāze | |
Priekšplāns | #000000 |
Fons | #E9E9E9 |
Accent | #FCC61B |
Robeža | transparent |
Primārā poga | |
Priekšplāns | #FFFFFF |
Fons | #FCC61B |
Robeža | transparent |
Primary button hover | |
Priekšplāns | #FFFFFF |
Fons | #EBB303 |
Robeža | transparent |
Sekundārā poga | |
Priekšplāns | #FFFFFF |
Fons | #000000 |
Robeža | transparent |
Secondary button hover | |
Priekšplāns | #000000 |
Fons | #FFFFFF |
Robeža | #000000 |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Īstenošana |
<div class="theme duroclightgray"></div>
Duroc Dark
This is the body text of the theme.
This is the accent color of the theme.
Bāze | |
Priekšplāns | #FFFFFF |
Fons | #000000 |
Accent | #FCC61B |
Robeža | transparent |
Primārā poga | |
Priekšplāns | #FFFFFF |
Fons | #FCC61B |
Robeža | transparent |
Primary button hover | |
Priekšplāns | #FFFFFF |
Fons | #EBB303 |
Robeža | transparent |
Sekundārā poga | |
Priekšplāns | #FFFFFF |
Fons | #000000 |
Robeža | #000000 |
Secondary button hover | |
Priekšplāns | #262626 |
Fons | #FFFFFF |
Robeža | #000000 |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Link button | |
Link color | #333333 |
Link button hover | |
Link hover color | hsl(0, 0%, 40%) |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Īstenošana |
<div class="theme durocdark"></div>
Duroc Black
This is the body text of the theme.
This is the accent color of the theme.
Bāze | |
Priekšplāns | #FFFFFF |
Fons | #000000 |
Accent | #FCC61B |
Robeža | transparent |
Primārā poga | |
Priekšplāns | #FFFFFF |
Fons | #FCC61B |
Robeža | transparent |
Primary button hover | |
Priekšplāns | #FFFFFF |
Fons | #EBB303 |
Robeža | transparent |
Sekundārā poga | |
Priekšplāns | #FFFFFF |
Fons | #000000 |
Robeža | #FFFFFF |
Secondary button hover | |
Priekšplāns | #000000 |
Fons | #FFFFFF |
Robeža | #FFFFFF |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Link button | |
Link color | #333333 |
Link button hover | |
Link hover color | hsl(0, 0%, 40%) |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Īstenošana |
<div class="theme durocblack"></div>
Duroc White
This is the body text of the theme.
This is the accent color of the theme.
Bāze | |
Priekšplāns | #000000 |
Fons | #FFFFFF |
Accent | #FCC61B |
Robeža | transparent |
Primārā poga | |
Priekšplāns | #FFFFFF |
Fons | #FCC61B |
Robeža | transparent |
Primary button hover | |
Priekšplāns | #FFFFFF |
Fons | #EBB303 |
Robeža | transparent |
Sekundārā poga | |
Priekšplāns | #FFFFFF |
Fons | #000000 |
Robeža | transparent |
Secondary button hover | |
Priekšplāns | #000000 |
Fons | #FFFFFF |
Robeža | #000000 |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Īstenošana |
<div class="theme durocwhite"></div>
Bāze | |
Priekšplāns | #FFFFFF |
Fons | #000000 |
Accent | #FCC61B |
Robeža | transparent |
Primārā poga | |
Priekšplāns | #FFFFFF |
Fons | #FCC61B |
Robeža | transparent |
Primary button hover | |
Priekšplāns | #FFFFFF |
Fons | #EBB303 |
Robeža | transparent |
Sekundārā poga | |
Priekšplāns | #FFFFFF |
Fons | #000000 |
Robeža | #FFFFFF |
Secondary button hover | |
Priekšplāns | #000000 |
Fons | #FFFFFF |
Robeža | #FFFFFF |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Link button | |
Link color | #333333 |
Link button hover | |
Link hover color | hsl(0, 0%, 40%) |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Īstenošana |
<div class="theme footer-logo-list"></div>
Duroc Image Radius Black
This is the body text of the theme.
This is the accent color of the theme.
Bāze | |
Priekšplāns | #FFFFFF |
Fons | #000000 |
Accent | #FCC61B |
Robeža | transparent |
Primārā poga | |
Priekšplāns | #FFFFFF |
Fons | #FCC61B |
Robeža | transparent |
Primary button hover | |
Priekšplāns | #FFFFFF |
Fons | #EBB303 |
Robeža | transparent |
Sekundārā poga | |
Priekšplāns | #FFFFFF |
Fons | #000000 |
Robeža | #FFFFFF |
Secondary button hover | |
Priekšplāns | #000000 |
Fons | #FFFFFF |
Robeža | #FFFFFF |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Link button | |
Link color | #333333 |
Link button hover | |
Link hover color | hsl(0, 0%, 40%) |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Īstenošana |
<div class="theme duroc-image-radius-bl"></div>
Duroc Image Radius White
This is the body text of the theme.
This is the accent color of the theme.
Bāze | |
Priekšplāns | #000000 |
Fons | #FFFFFF |
Accent | #FCC61B |
Robeža | transparent |
Primārā poga | |
Priekšplāns | #FFFFFF |
Fons | #FCC61B |
Robeža | transparent |
Primary button hover | |
Priekšplāns | #FFFFFF |
Fons | #EBB303 |
Robeža | transparent |
Sekundārā poga | |
Priekšplāns | #FFFFFF |
Fons | #000000 |
Robeža | transparent |
Secondary button hover | |
Priekšplāns | #000000 |
Fons | #FFFFFF |
Robeža | #000000 |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Īstenošana |
<div class="theme duroc-image-radius-w"></div>
Duroc Image Radius Petrolium
This is the body text of the theme.
This is the accent color of the theme.
Bāze | |
Priekšplāns | #FFFFFF |
Fons | #005961 |
Accent | #000000 |
Robeža | transparent |
Primārā poga | |
Priekšplāns | #FFFFFF |
Fons | #FCC61B |
Robeža | transparent |
Primary button hover | |
Priekšplāns | #FFFFFF |
Fons | #EBB303 |
Robeža | transparent |
Sekundārā poga | |
Priekšplāns | #FFFFFF |
Fons | #000000 |
Robeža | transparent |
Secondary button hover | |
Priekšplāns | #000000 |
Fons | #FFFFFF |
Robeža | #000000 |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Link button | |
Link color | #333333 |
Link button hover | |
Link hover color | hsl(0, 0%, 40%) |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Īstenošana |
<div class="theme duroc-image-radius-p"></div>
Duroc Image Radius Light Gray
This is the body text of the theme.
This is the accent color of the theme.
Bāze | |
Priekšplāns | #000000 |
Fons | #E9E9E9 |
Accent | #FCC61B |
Robeža | transparent |
Primārā poga | |
Priekšplāns | #FFFFFF |
Fons | #FCC61B |
Robeža | transparent |
Primary button hover | |
Priekšplāns | #FFFFFF |
Fons | #EBB303 |
Robeža | transparent |
Sekundārā poga | |
Priekšplāns | #FFFFFF |
Fons | #000000 |
Robeža | transparent |
Secondary button hover | |
Priekšplāns | #000000 |
Fons | #FFFFFF |
Robeža | #000000 |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Īstenošana |
<div class="theme duroc-image-radius-lg"></div>
Duroc Paragraph Radius Black
This is the body text of the theme.
This is the accent color of the theme.
Bāze | |
Priekšplāns | #FFFFFF |
Fons | #000000 |
Accent | #FCC61B |
Robeža | transparent |
Primārā poga | |
Priekšplāns | #FFFFFF |
Fons | #FCC61B |
Robeža | transparent |
Primary button hover | |
Priekšplāns | #FFFFFF |
Fons | #EBB303 |
Robeža | transparent |
Sekundārā poga | |
Priekšplāns | #FFFFFF |
Fons | #000000 |
Robeža | #FFFFFF |
Secondary button hover | |
Priekšplāns | #000000 |
Fons | #FFFFFF |
Robeža | #FFFFFF |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Link button | |
Link color | #333333 |
Link button hover | |
Link hover color | hsl(0, 0%, 40%) |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Īstenošana |
<div class="theme duroc-paragraph-radius-bl"></div>
Duroc Paragraph Radius White
This is the body text of the theme.
This is the accent color of the theme.
Bāze | |
Priekšplāns | #000000 |
Fons | #FFFFFF |
Accent | #FCC61B |
Robeža | transparent |
Primārā poga | |
Priekšplāns | #FFFFFF |
Fons | #FCC61B |
Robeža | transparent |
Primary button hover | |
Priekšplāns | #FFFFFF |
Fons | #EBB303 |
Robeža | transparent |
Sekundārā poga | |
Priekšplāns | #FFFFFF |
Fons | #000000 |
Robeža | transparent |
Secondary button hover | |
Priekšplāns | #000000 |
Fons | #FFFFFF |
Robeža | #000000 |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Īstenošana |
<div class="theme duroc-paragraph-radius-w"></div>
Duroc Paragraph Radius Petrolium
This is the body text of the theme.
This is the accent color of the theme.
Bāze | |
Priekšplāns | #FFFFFF |
Fons | #005961 |
Accent | #000000 |
Robeža | transparent |
Primārā poga | |
Priekšplāns | #FFFFFF |
Fons | #FCC61B |
Robeža | transparent |
Primary button hover | |
Priekšplāns | #FFFFFF |
Fons | #EBB303 |
Robeža | transparent |
Sekundārā poga | |
Priekšplāns | #FFFFFF |
Fons | #000000 |
Robeža | transparent |
Secondary button hover | |
Priekšplāns | #000000 |
Fons | #FFFFFF |
Robeža | #000000 |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Link button | |
Link color | #333333 |
Link button hover | |
Link hover color | hsl(0, 0%, 40%) |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Īstenošana |
<div class="theme duroc-paragraph-radius-p"></div>
Duroc Paragraph Radius Light Gray
This is the body text of the theme.
This is the accent color of the theme.
Bāze | |
Priekšplāns | #000000 |
Fons | #E9E9E9 |
Accent | #FCC61B |
Robeža | transparent |
Primārā poga | |
Priekšplāns | #FFFFFF |
Fons | #FCC61B |
Robeža | transparent |
Primary button hover | |
Priekšplāns | #FFFFFF |
Fons | #EBB303 |
Robeža | transparent |
Sekundārā poga | |
Priekšplāns | #FFFFFF |
Fons | #000000 |
Robeža | transparent |
Secondary button hover | |
Priekšplāns | #000000 |
Fons | #FFFFFF |
Robeža | #000000 |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Īstenošana |
<div class="theme duroc-paragraph-radius-lg"></div>